Economic Sim

September 2015

LLOB economic simulation running.

Another Lore Lords of Britain update…

Steve Mitchell: “I am glad to report, that despite a busy summer, in 890 AD Britain, the days now pass and the economy churns!  Next the leaders must be able to move and all varieties of combat take place.  As Lore Lords uses order queues this is not a matter of adding controller input or mouse dragging functions, instead the simulation interface allows users to direct leaders to follow combat orders. To bring LLOB up to date I am going to add an ‘Open API’ which will allow users to add their own user interfaces or use simple pre-existing input and reading devices such as email, text or even potentially tweets etc. There is no reason for a simulation to be restricted to one target platform or one standard user interface…”

Original Data

July 2015

LLOB  original data entered into a Python program

Lore Lords of Britain update…

Steve Mitchell: “It has taken over two months, working two or three days a week on data entry, to enter all the original data for the ‘Game 1’ maps, cities, leaders and core domains. My fingers are hurting! Now to start adapting the data into the modern paradigm of Python object oriented programming. The game was a historical simulation of 890 AD Britain, getting this simulation up and running will require extensive server side development with a messaging system suitable for cross platform issuance of commands and gathering of reports. My next task is to establish the framework for the day to day simulation of the economy.”

Starting Development

April 2015

Diamond Apple starts developing LLOB

Lore Lords of Britain

After more than twenty years since the last game of LLOB (Lore Lords of Britain), Diamond Apple is starting a one year project to bring the Historical Simulation from the Computer Moderated Play By Mail past to the online present.

Steve Mitchell: “When Retro Gamer interviewed me last year about Lore Design, it reminded me that I’d often meant to bring the Lore Lords game up to date.  I wrote the rules to Lore Lords using a previous game making technology that I had developed called “Of The Empire”.  Thanks to nostalgic record keeping, by my mother, I have been able to source the original data and notes from when Lore Lords was written for a Mega ST 4 using a 60MB hard drive and twin Toshiba laser printers for the extensive computer generated postal content. Sadly the ST source code was lost years ago making a total re-write from data and notes the only method to bring it back to life. In my spare hours I will bring it back in broadly it’s original format but adapted for the internet. Oddly, when I first started writing it’s prequel, it was originally for playing by modem – but in the late 80’s I was the only teenager I knew with a modem and so shifted to computer moderated Play By mail (PBM) to get more players. The internet should make it slightly easier to play ;).”