A long silence.

A Long silence…
OK, It’s been a long time between posts. Other than getting commands to work from the master database on the distributed server I have barely done anything on LLOB2 since May.

The last six months have had me 100% busy with client work and I have also started my Masters in Advance Computer Science (Part time). Between these two activities and the resulting US and UK timezones being used up, I am barely getting a few hours sleep most nights and no time to do anything on LLOB2.

On the positive side I am studying High Performance Computing, which is the art of getting massively parallel systems performing tasks – handy for simulations – and Web Development using C#.NET MVC5, the Microsoft way of doing client/server work. The latter may not be so useful for LLOB2 now that it is Linux based, but is very useful for my clients.

One day the client work will slow down – at that point expect posts to be restored to the more normal frequency.